Rouge M120 With 99 or 66 Preamp

Has anyone gone from a Rogue 66 to A 99 pre Amp while using the M120 MONO's.What are your comments.Is there a big huge small great diffrence.I am using the 120 66 combo and am thinking of going to the 99.
hi tm12, i know this is not what ya wanna hear, but i humbly suggest you try a cary slp98 - it bested my magnum-updated 99 in *all* areas. and, there's even further gains to be had w/their modified caps, which my unit doesn't have. that being said, i've replaced my cary w/something even better - *way* better, imho: a melos music director. these can be had used, for great pricing, due to melos' recent problems, but they are back in bizniz now, w/brant hedlund, one of their former engineers, having bought the company, & now offering service to melos owners. he hopes to be back in production w/product w/in a year. regards, & good luck, doug ps-the purchaser of my rogue 99 had a 66 prior - he emailed me to tell me it was *way* better than his old 66...
Oh, Sedond, aren't you the guy who sold the 99 because of an alleged "impedance mismatch". I know that sound of the Rogue 99 is greatly improved (especially bass tightness)by using it with different feet, specifically #4 BDR cones. Also, according to Mark at Rogue, they are not offering any official *Magnum* mod. BTW, Tml2, I noticed a big difference between the 99 and 66. I liked the 99 much more in my system.
Sedond sold his 99 because he wasnt happy with the bass.I have BDR #4 under my 99 and invested in real good NOS tubes for the phonostage (Telefunkens) My bass is awesome,deep,tight and real sounding.The reviewer in the Oct. issue of Stereophile was quite impressed with the bass of the 66 he reviewed and gave the 66 a class B rating.Anyway,yes the 99 is a good leap ahead of the 66.Get a 99 and you will be blown away.Call Mario @ 914-421-0069.I promise he will give you the best deal around.Tell him Dave (tube rush) sent you.