Aleph-3 Questions

I just recieved my dream amp.So far so good.It has under 50 hours on it.I was wondering if these have a recommended break in time?It sounds very good but honestly I was expecting better.Also has anyone found any tweaks that improve the performance? Cones etc.Thanks!
I owned an Aleph 5 for several years and would not count soundstage size among its strengths, but that isn't something I particularly lust after anyway. You may find what you are after by experimenting a little with cables.
david99: you mean this was your dream amp for >3 years and you didn't audition it in your system b4 you bought it? if so, shame on you. perhaps your expectations were too high. more likely, you and your ex became so used to the distortions/"euphonics" of your dynaco that a "neutral" amp doesn't quite sound right. i assume you changed interconnects when you moved from valves to ss. no? then i'd suggest you TRY (not BUY) something like cardas neutral reference. this will knock the "edge" off what you're likely hearing with your valve-loving wire. just some suggestions. don't give up too soon. you can get it right but 50 hrs doesn't even make it to the fun part of foreplay.
I have owned the 3 and now the 2 monoblocks. I have found that Black Diamond #4 cones improve the sound considerably. They seem to my ear to tighten up the bass and brighten up the top end a bit. They are recomended for tube amps I know, but I found them to work well under the Aleph amps, which sound kind of tubelike. Even better if you have the means would be a Powersnakes Viper V2 powercord. I bought a pair for my Aleph 2s and they took the sound to a whole new level, improving transparency, speed and most of all image placement.
I've owned Aleph 5s and what I like best about them is that they don't have much of a sound. They don't sound spectacular. They don't impress. There are no thunderous lows, or crystalline highs. What impressed me most about the Pass is that it disappeared better than any other amp I've had experience with (at least any other amp smaller than a 27" TV and costing less than $15,000). As far as I can tell, it's not particularly sensitive to cable, but it sounds best when left on continuously. Relax and enjoy!
So what speakers do you have? Maybe their topped out. I hope you don't have dunlavy or vandersteens (or the like). You may need something more revealing to let the aleph shine through.