Sub for monster BASS!!!!!!

I know everyone likes tight bass, but has anyone ever gone to a dance club and felt that bass there? How do i get such bass, and what price are they?
Yeah, you can see the Wilson XS's at They had 'em two years ago at CES...TWO IN A HOME THEATER SETUP, with 5 X-1 grand slamms along with it. I think they were powered by 2 Pass x-1000's each.
The Genesis 900 sub will literally shake everything off your walls for a couple floors in either direction.
try a pair of vmps larger subs. paired w/a pair of used solid-state bridged amps & a good electronic x-over (like marchand, for example), these will give you clean accurate powerful bass at *way* less the cost than anything comparable. i'm a cheapskate, & this is one of the few products i bought new - still a bargain! how about down to 17hz, w/less than 0.5% thd at 95db, & less than 5% thd at 120db? and that's w/just one sub. regardless of brand, get a pair for proper 2-channel audio.

the above is yust my opinion, ymmv...

Eartquake Supernova- I have never heard such a powerful sub in my life. They will rock your world.
I read Rel has a speaker you can only buy after signing a release that warns that it can destroy the foundation in older homes. Haven't heard it but it sounds like what you seek.