all that said, i have no desire to unload my vmps larger subs anytime soon - here's why: i prefer having my choice of amplification - usually far better quality than what's provided w/amps that are built-in to subs. same goes for x-overs. i also want the electronics to be located *outside* the sub - way too much wibration there for me... then there's the issue of specs - czech vmps' www -
i *know* the specs of these: 17hz-250hz, +0/-3db, 92db/1w/1m w/<0.5% thd, >115db @ 20hz w/<2.5% thd. here's a quote from vmps' www:
"NASAs Langley Research Center has purchased two Larger VMPS Subwoofers as a source of 118 dB plus, 20Hz tone bursts. The Larger Subwoofer was the only commercially available system capable of so doing."
oh, then there's that price issue - i bought a pair of vmps larger subs fully optioned, a deluxe marchand xm-9 x-over, a new adcom gfa555 (purchased years ago), a used adcom gfa555 (so i could run the amps in bridged mono for ~900wpc into the 4 ohm load of the vmps), *and* tara labs i/c's & speaker cabling, & it *all* cost less than $2400...
ymmv, doug s. ;~)