Talon Roc subs - worth it?

I'm looking for a pair of nice (powered) subs to fill in the bottom end of my ML ReQuests. I have heard the Talon Roc is quite fast, leading me to believe it may be more suitable for my system than other some of the other subs on the market. Howerver, the dichotomous reviews of the Khorus (here and at Audio Asylum) have left me uncertain as to whether the Roc is worth its price. How good is the Roc? How does the Roc compare to other subs in the $3-4k range that you have spent time with? What about the quality of the Roc's driver, amp/electronics, and overall construction? Do any of you have experience using the Roc with electrostatics? I will be grateful for any advice from those who have owned or seriously auditioned the Roc (and who are not affiliated with Talon or one of its competitors). Thanks, Don
That was Widescreen Review and your right on the Vandersteen but not the Velodynes. Check out the Mirage BPS-210 or BPS-400
If you can wait i would see how MArtin Logan them selves do with their own powered sub! It is rumored to be less than $3000, and will consist of three tens. I have seen drawings and it looks super cool.
There was another rave review of the Talon Roc subwoofer and the Genesis 928 from www.perfectvision.com.
I own a ROC and have matched it up with the Khite monitors. It is very musical to my ears. I regularly use it to listen to YoYo Ma and jazz fusion. It handles both very nicely. And it will rattle the walls for HT if need be.