What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report

I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.

This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".

Haven't used CD player on my system in years....I'm a music server kinda guy. On many nights, when I am too tired to choose, I put it on random track play and let it decide what I hear next. I call it "Mapman Radio". Best variety of music I've heard on radio since the glory days of FM. And it's all very hifi and of my choosing....
Pokey - Pinback is kind of interesting to me. Sense Field - not so much.
Listened to virtually all of Blue Screen Life last night (full album on YouTube).
Unusal meter on track 1, I thought. I will give them another go. Sometimes
things I now like the most were not that accessible on first listen. Not sure if
that's the case with them but willing to try some more. Well recorded, I will say

Rbrowne - listened to a bit of Sunset Mission. I liked the mood they set. Still
something sort of creepy about it and them, however. Sorry.
Ghosthouse, so glad you gave Pinback a shot. The first song I ever heard by them was the credit music. I don't remember which movie but that doesn't really matter. I must have watched the credits at least five times. My wife wondered what was wrong. Well, nothing. Just discovered a band that to me is so incredible. The song BTW was Non-photo blue from Summer in Abbadon. I originally thought that Summer in Abbadon was the best of the three records that I purchased but soon learned that Blue Screen Life is the one, for me anyway.

I have certainly had many experiences like yours having purchased a record (CD) and found that is was not very accessible on those first listens. But after repeated listening finally "getting it" and many of those records have stood the test of time for me. Pinback has really given me a new lease on my music life, kinda like the experimental genre with bands like Prefuse 73 that I discovered about ten years ago. I needed something new and stimulating and found it there. It really excited me about music again. I am still the most enthused by that genre.

While I'm thinking of it, Toy Matinee is a great record from the early 90s and is well recorded. Another one that has stood the test of time for me.
Hello again Pokey (wasn't that Gumby's horse?)...anyway listened to Blue Screen Life all over again last night. Was tired the night before but last night I really picked up on it much more. Also listened to some of Autumn of the Seraphs but that didn't grab me as much. Seemed more repetitive and narrower in scope. I've seen that title "Non-photo Blue" on YouTube. I'll give it a listen. Trying to hear their latest, "Information Retrieved" but only saw Proceed to Memory. That sounded promising but it was late and I was starting to fade. I will also try to listen to Toy Matinee and Prefuse 73. Not sure what kind of music they are or what the "experimental genre" is. Always willing to give something new a try. If you like ambient at all, check out Stars of the Lid. I am enjoying them quite a bit. Something called "Virginia" from the Keharak Incident is beautiful, I think. Check it out. There's an interesting video with it on YouTube.