OTL amps

I would like your opinions on OTL amps vs those with transformers.
Check out the David Berning products. Just a note, the Berning ZH-270 increases power as ohm load increases, unlike other OTL's, in which it is just the opposite. Really, it has the most advanced designed layout of any OTL. Check out the Berning website for more info. This little, non obtrusive amp had the most power and drive I have ever heard period. The bass had to heard to be believed. Advanced technology and design layout are extremely fascinating, but the sound is where this amp shines. Incredible. Note : To the man that posted above about purchase of the Berning - Hurry there are only a few new units left. David Berning does not build many period. If I had the extra money I would sell my beloved little Blue Circle BC22 (solid state) and scoup one up. BTW the ZH-270 has an estimated 20 year tube life. Amazing.
thanks for your response about the ZH270, however the more i read about OTL's i m discovering that you really should be using an elecro-static type speaker vs a conventional dynamic one, any thoughts about this?
We are currently using Harbeth Compact HL7ES's and Jean-Marie Reynaud Twinn MKll's with the ZH-270. The David Berning ZH-270 works extremely well with dynamic speakers such as these and I am confident that it would also mate well with various other dynamic speakers with modest power requirments. There has been no indication that the David Berning OTL is limited in any way for exclusive use with an electrostat speaker. Our dynamic speakers match perfectly with this OTL in every aspect. This amp must simply be heard to appreciate. It has impressed me more than any single piece of gear I have heard, period.
Interesting thread. Although there are several references to OTL's being particularly suitable to esl's, how do they handle wide impedance swings... say, the 1.5 ohm to 32 ohm swings of my CLS's? Switching from ss to tubes was a huge improvement with my speakers -- are OTL's (like the 150w Atmasphere's) sympatico with my speakers' characteristics? I'm intrigued with the descriptions of OTL sound posted here.