Replace 35" TV with something bigger

I have built a great surround sound system around my old 35" television, which works well, but is pretty small when watching widescreen DVDs. What do you suggest for a larger screen? My 19x16 room can be dimmed, but can not be made completely dark(except at night). I need to put my center channel speaker somewhere also.(currently under the 35" TV)
We went to a slightly larger format for the same reason as you, we wanted something to watch DVD's on AND we were tired of having to read the fine print (the eyesight ain't as good as it once was!) to find "standard" format, since we didn't like the black bars at the top and bottom.
We bought the Toshiba 40" theatre wide (16:9 aspect ratio). That way all movies were seen as they were meant to be without the bars! It is a nice TV and not too big. Here's a link if you are interested.
Good luck in your search.
Also, I ordered a different (larger screen) TV for my parents from They had a great price and offer "white glove delivery" They bring it in, unbox it, put it where you want, and take all the garbage with them. My folks had the TV in two days with no additional charges.
Hope this proves helpful. Good luck! -
my understanding is that Plasma sets will NOT have as long of a lifespan as that of a good quality RPTV or especially a standard "tube" set. The various reasons escape me right now. As such, i do agree that the picture on them is typically excellent.

I would like to recommend to Argent to pick up a copy of the Video Essentials DVD and to calibrate your Mitsu. If you think it is good now, just wait till you have it set up "right". While the price on these discs keeps creeping up, you might be able to find them online for about $30 or so.

For the record, i like the Video Essentials calibration dvd better than i do the Avia. While the Avia is much more in depth and time consuming, the Video Essentials version will give you extremely similar results with half the work and time. Kind of the "quick and dirty" approach, but it works. Sean
Sean, where to get the disks you mention? I want an Avia, but have never seen one for sale, though I've honestly never looked very hard either.
Sean "quick and dirty" that is the way I like them, heh heh heh. I am going to go out and find it today, video essentials that is, thanks for the recomendation.