Tube Amplifiers?

I am new to tube amps (I've had several tube pre-amps) and was wondering what people's thoughts are on the following: VTL-ST85, VTL TT-25, Anthem AMP 1, Rogue 88 and Quicksilver Minimites. I'd like to keep the cost around $1500
What are you planning to drive with these amps? By the way, saw VTL Signature 300 monoblocks in the classifieds for $2,995. A great buy if you need the power and can stretch the budget.
Rogue is the best of this list to me. I am not that big a fan of VTL. Especially their amps with LOTS of tubes. Too difficult to coordinate all those tubes into a coherent piece, in my opinion. My recommendation would be to get another of the Quicksilver products. Try the KT88s or the Silver Sixty. Should fit easily into your budget. A bit more tubey than the Rogues, if you like that sort of sound.
Hi Robk No one mentioned the Anthem Amp1,and from reading the reviews this unit is probably great bang for the buck. I will have one in my system by fri(jan 5). Give me a little time to burn it in and I'll let you know.
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