Best Preamp under $5k??

I think around $5k is the reflection point of value/price ratio for preamps--or mostly any audio equipment maybe except speakers--where beyond this point, you would have to spend thousands more to improve just a little. What is the best preamp under $5k--tube or solid state?? Some popular ones are sf line 3, bat vk5i, arc ls25, simaudio p-5, plinius m16. Personally I have a cj pfr which I like quite a bit, but sooner or later it will be upgraded...
You're right Doug. I bought the line 3 used for $2700 last May on auction. Right after my purchase new units came out of the wood work. I chalk it up to my bad luck. I don't have the warranty but I have never had any problems with the Line 3 so far. The Melos may be better don't know as I have never had a chance to listen to one. Not being able to audition before making a purchase is a big disadvantage to the used/internet market. I am curious about what your opinion is about SS preamps. I know that SS units would not have the background hiss and lower maintenance than tubes.
Traded CAT Ultimate in for Aloia pre. Definite upgrade at half the price. You may find one at 3K. A steal
VAC Standard Preamplifier LE retails for $4000.00,might could get a better deal, if you can find one used. mistake, I meant the arc LS10. ss pre. A little quirky re: switching inputs so as not to feed +-2v signal thru speakers when used for theatre.
First Sound Presence Audio Delux Mk II. Tube without the haze, brings everything to life with a dead quite backdrop. And its under $4K.