Best Sony XBR TV ever?

I am finally thinking of getting a larger TV..even though I'
don't care much for television. Anyway, In looking the
Loewe are good, but way too much for me to spend and, the
more I look, the more I like my old Sony 20" original series
Sony XBR. With this in mind, what are your thoughts for the
best picture quality in a 27" or 32" (maybe 36") sized Sony
XBR series? It could be old or new..and it will be limited
to cable broadcast..and DVD/VHS playback.
My dad has the previous gen XBR 32" and I think the picture is better than the newest gen XBR 32" which my sister owns. The truly flat screen leaves something to be desired in my opinion.
It has been established a while back that the 32" xbr100 was the best set Sony has ever produced. It had a seperate tuner from the set and was awesome. It was the generation right before component video inputs were made avaibale, so this set does not have that capability but, for NTSC it is unbelievable.
Thanks for the feedback so far..., what sould a good used
32" XBR100 sell for?
Thanks, Jim
Another question, what is/was XBR2 or XBR squared? Was
this before the 32 XBR100?
I have a three-year-old pre-Wega 35" XBR (that's right, it was 35" not 36" like the current Wega). My dad has about a 10-year-old 29" XBR. I think all of the XBR's are great and wouldn't hesitate to recommend them. I've seen the newer Wega's and think they do have a slightly superior picture to mine. They should, they have more lines of resolution when watching DVD's. BTW, Sony is supposed to be releasing a 40" XBR this fall.