Best Sony XBR TV ever?

I am finally thinking of getting a larger TV..even though I'
don't care much for television. Anyway, In looking the
Loewe are good, but way too much for me to spend and, the
more I look, the more I like my old Sony 20" original series
Sony XBR. With this in mind, what are your thoughts for the
best picture quality in a 27" or 32" (maybe 36") sized Sony
XBR series? It could be old or new..and it will be limited
to cable broadcast..and DVD/VHS playback.
It has been established a while back that the 32" xbr100 was the best set Sony has ever produced. It had a seperate tuner from the set and was awesome. It was the generation right before component video inputs were made avaibale, so this set does not have that capability but, for NTSC it is unbelievable.
Thanks for the feedback so far..., what sould a good used
32" XBR100 sell for?
Thanks, Jim
Another question, what is/was XBR2 or XBR squared? Was
this before the 32 XBR100?
I have a three-year-old pre-Wega 35" XBR (that's right, it was 35" not 36" like the current Wega). My dad has about a 10-year-old 29" XBR. I think all of the XBR's are great and wouldn't hesitate to recommend them. I've seen the newer Wega's and think they do have a slightly superior picture to mine. They should, they have more lines of resolution when watching DVD's. BTW, Sony is supposed to be releasing a 40" XBR this fall.

All of the Sony XBRs that I have checked out throughout the years have all delivered great pictures. The only set I feel that could compete with the XBRs are some of the late model ProScans (1995-96) and maybe some of the earlier Panasonic Superflats (mid 90's). I am also in love with the current Sony KV-36XBR100 36-Inch Wega Flat Screen (I have placed one in a "hypothetical" 20K home theater system earlier this year). And while I could get a 36-Inch set in my living room (my Panasonic CT-27SF37 is located in my bedroom), I think that $3,000.00 is a lot of money to spend on a non-HDTV (although, the 36XBR100 is HDTV ready). With HDTVs going for under $3K now (and I love that 43-Inch Table Top Toshiba by the way....... I Saw one at my local "Best Buy" for around $2,200.00 last weekend...... so if I ever decide to get me a set for my living room, it will have to be that one), there is no excuse not to at least looking into one of the more affordable HDTVs. But anyway, there is the Sony KV-36XBR100 that you can look into. And also, you could look for a used 32XBR100. That was an excellent set when it was in its production run, and in my opinion, it was one of the best sets ever from Sony. When I was shopping for my TV for the last few years, while I was originally looking at the 1995-96 ProScan TOL 27-Inch set (forgot what model number........ but it had one of the sharpest, most detailed pictures I've ever seen...... and we didn't EVEN have DVD Players back in those days..... if I had that set now, I cannot even imagine how good a picture that set will be able to produce with a DVD Player), I was also looking at a Sony KV27XBR45 (about $1,200.00 to $1,500.00 list in about the same time period.... 1995-96), and I also thought it had a wonderful pictute. It was also one of the more stylish and sleekest looking sets that was available during the time. If you want THAT set (I'm talking about the 27-Inch XBR), then you may be able to find one for about $400.00 to $500.00 used. But if you want a Sony XBR TV, I would have to say they're wonderful sets, and I would recommend them without any hesitation.
