New category for trades?

I was thinking that I would love to trade my Denon AVR-5700 for a good pre-pro, but Audiogon doesn't have a "Trade" category. This way neither trader loses value.Good idea?
Locally is a good beginning. I have sold many things in the Greater New York area, including Connecticut, New Jersey,Long island and Upstate N.Y. (Almost sounds like the Billy Joel song). Surely there must be some ways that a trade can be worked out long distance. Perhaps Audiogon might step up to the plate here and offer some input.
Some type of Escorow 3 rd party.Would work.It would add a little to the cost but its worth the security.
I will gladly trade my soul to anyone who can offer in return the steady knowledge of when to hold 'em, when to fold 'em, when to...
seriously, though, trades are a great idea, and the 3rd party / escrow thing works just as well for that as it does for any other transaction (i.e. a pain in either case, but probably worthwhile).
Sounds like a great idea. As to the third party escrow thing, i volunteer. Just send me all of the gear that you want to trade, i'll inspect it and listen to it for a few days and then forward it onto the other party. While this will save some people from getting ripped off, it sure will cut down my budget in terms of actually having to buy gear to check it out : ) Sean
Excellent idea. Maybe this will motivate me to move some of the large boxes (extra speakers) out of the bedroom. I'm sure that my wife would be happy if I traded big boxes for smaller boxes. Count me in.