Jadis Fidelity

Somebody can tell me we do not see too many Jadis product on Audiogon? What do I have to expect(buy or sell) for a Jadis 100 (E34 Tubes) ? Do Jadis people keep their gears longer?
Should there be any question in the realm of our hobby that a mistress is better than a wife? Why wouldn't we want to "seduced" every time we listen"? Expensive? Who cares!! When I sit down in my listening chair, I don't want minivans and nappies. I want "shivers" down my spine. Maybe we should all buy Jadis. And it even seems to be a RELIABLE mistress.
Detlof, this definitely sounds like a right brain/left brain situation! Any way you can use the same cables on each, or is the I/O not one with the separate volume controls? Otherwise, I'd suggest breaking in the cables a bit more and letting the I/O cook a few days and seeing if that makes a difference, it sure does with my JP80. I share your ambivalence, as I've heard the I/O on a few occasions and have thought that it is a piece that can retrieve more information than the Jadis without losing that elusive magic. My interest is more detached, though, as I'm really not in the market to replace my preamp, for space and logistical reasons (a separate phono stage means another line level input, and I don't have one available). On the reliability issue, since I may have touched on it in an earlier post, I will note to all of you that my few problems with my Jadis have stemmed from modifications made to it (mine was one of the early units in which Da Hong put Cardas wiring in the MC stage, and it had some RF problems as a result that fortunately Victor Goldstein was able to fix), not the stock unit.
Rcprince, your suggestions are wise. I wondered myself if I was listening actually to the IO, or rather more to cables not broken in. I'll give it time, let her stew and then we'll see if this here right-brainer will be more happy with IO's presentation.
Cwlondon, I don't have any experience with the transport other than having heard it in a gentleman's system once, for one CD (I was buying some records from him, so we were listening to vinyl), so I'll pass other than to say that it looks great, doesn't it, and that it sounded a little leaner than my Forsell (but everything else I've heard also sounds leaner than that unit, so no help there). The DAC was originally designed by Jerry Ozment, whose Audio Logic DAC I own, so unless it has radically changed from what I've heard a few years ago I'd say it has a very musical quality and is very nice to listen to. I liked the Audio Logic better, though, and it was much less expensive, just not as gorgeous. Hope others have more, and more recent, experience with these units to help you.