Receiver vs Processor

It seems that the new receivers, regardless of price, are coming with all the latest capabilities, i.e., Ultra THX, EX, 6.1, 7.1, composite video inputs, etc... I already have a 2-channel power amp and multi-channel amp, so I was thinking about using a cheap to mid-level receiver as my processor. Since I will be using quality amps, will the sound be comparable to that of a higher-end dedicated processor. If so, what are some good recommendations for a receiver. I know this will be a slight waste since I won't be using the receivers internal amps, but there is quite a price and capability difference between a mid-level receiver and a quality processor like the DC-1. Also, I don't plan to use this for music, just HT.


But Chilidog, I am going to side with Porschecab as far as getting a dedicated "pre/pro" is concerned. I am saying that because he already has a two channel power amp and a multichannel one as well, so he does not need to put any money toward the internal amplifiers that a receiver is going to provide if he's not going to be using them. Instead, why can't use the same money that he would've otherwise use for paying for the internal amplifiers for a receiver and use it to pay for some refinement in a "pre/pro" instead?? Outlaw supposedly makes a killer "pre/pro" that retails for less than $1,000.00. I don't think it can do THX or Ultra THX. But I am quite sure it can do 5.1, 6.1, and 7.1. And I know for certain is has component and composite video inputs. If I am putting together a setup like what "Tbone" is putting together, I don't think I would waste all of that performance and refinement by using a receiver. Not when there's the Outlaw Pre/Pro out there.

I would suggest that you check out the Sherwood Newcastle Home Theater Processor(AV9080). Audiogon has some listed for under $500.00.Check the Sherwood website for their new updated processor also.
I'll throw my $.02 worth in for the DC-1 - for straight HT, they're really great. You won't get all the latest 6-channel modes, but you get the Logic7 mode and fabulous HT performance. I've had the DC-1, MC-1 and now the MC-12 - they're absolutely top-notch for HT, and a great centerpiece for a dual-purpose system. -Kirk
I offer another vote for a DC1 as a budget pre-pro only. They are outstanding once set up properly and have plenty of inputs for most people's theaters.

I would not use one as a music only piece, but definitely as a theater only piece. Just be sure to find one that has all current updates. Also there are a few minor tweaks that can be performed to increase the sound quality of the Lexicons.

The greatest feature of the Lexicon is the "SMR Lexicon Forum." It is similar in quality and member experience to the Audiogon Forum.
It seems that everyone really like the stand-alone processor, but I'm not convince yet. I understand about the waste of power amps in a receiver, but they are cheap. For example, the pioneer VSX-811S has a ton of features, to include Crystal DSP, 7.1 inputs/outputs, DTS-ES, Neo 6, DD EX 6.1, and PL II. All, this for $295! The amps I intend to use are Carver Lightstar and HK 7.1. I'm think this will sound pretty good for HT. Otherwise, spend up to a grand for a DC-1, Act III or Chiro. So, what do you thinK?
