Dual Mono?

I'm a novice...but how is a dual mono amp different from a non-monoblock amp?
Hi Skut; A non-monobloc is typically referred to as a stereo amp if it only has two channels, but these days of Home Theater, some amps can have 3 to 5 or more channels. A true dual mono amp is simply two almost totally separate power amps built into one chassis, and about the only thing these "two amplifers" share is a single power cord, ie they have totally separate circuitry and separate power supplies. Dual-mono amps have all the advantages of true mono-blocs except they do not allow for use of extremely short speaker cables. The shortest speaker cables that could be used with a dual mono is half the distance between the speakers-- that's with the amp placed on-center between speakers. I like dual mono amps, and use one myself. Cheers. Craig
.......I would just add that a regular "stereo amp" typically has a single power supply that provides power to (usually) two channels. The two channels also share some circuitry. Craig