Cary tubes?

Looking at getting into tubes.Anyone with experience with Cary 805 mono's and 98 preamp? Would match with Proac 2.5's as my room is small.Also looking at Mac MC2000,but Mac does not make a tubed preamp.Any feedback appreciated.
i found the cary pre extremely neutral, tight & fast - not at *all* tubey. but, this was in direct comparison w/the rogue 99, which was *very* coloured, imho... amplification was a pair of electrocompaniet amps im biamped mode, driving meret re's, w/a pair of bridged adcom 555's driving vmps larger subs below 60hz.
Try a passive remote volume control like the Creek OBH12 for $350.00. It's great, I've been using one for three years. It has also worked fine running right from my C.D. player into any of the three Cary SETs I've owned.
I have to agree with musicslug.The cary to a CAT is a Major upgrade. It all depends on what sound your looking for. If you want the big midrange bloom then go with the Cary's. The Cary slm-200 is also a great amp
Don't overlook the the Cary SLI-80. I have owned Mesa, Jolida, VTL and (2) Sonic Frontiers amps. The SLI-80, IMO, is more musical and capable of a more realistic soundstage than any of the others I mention. Guess it depends on how much power you need and what you want to spend. I have Silverline SR15's on loaded stands and I'm utilizing the stereo sub-outs into an old Muse 18 right now, with outstanding results. I'll probably sell the Muse and go with a REL pretty soon. I've had tube amps matched with floorstanders and electrostats but find the tube/monitor/sub combination the most satisfying.
My local Cary dealer is also a ProAc dealer. I heard the 805Bs powering 3.8s with the Cary pre and it was MAGIC - on jazz and chamber it sounded like the musicians were in the room. The speakers totally disappeared. The audition room was a bit live, high ceilings/hardwood floors and the ProAcs were pulled well out into the room, but the sound was not "tubey"...I don't remember which CDplayer was being used, I think it was the 303. Since this wasn't my audition, I didn't hang around too long, but for the 20 minutes I heard it...I would have to say YES, Cary and ProAc mate very well indeed. You would probably be upgrading the speakers long before the amps.