Melos updates worth it?

I just purchased the melos ma 333 and was wondering if anyone has sent theirs to las vegas for upgrades.Was it worth the $500 in your opinion?
if ewe have the fotentiometer, & it's workin' fine, i'd keep it as-is, & wait 'til melos finishes their gnu fotentiometer they're working on. then send it for everything at once. the capacitor updates are prolly worth it, but the alps wolume pot is a step backwards, imo. they also have a circuit mod that i will do to my music-director (which is yust the updated ma33), but, i'm waitin' for the gnu fotentiometer... call brant for all the details... 702.248.6745
Sedond, mine is one of the early models without a remote. I dont know what that fotentiometer is! I'm kind of new to this and only know basics. P.s I'm also ordering a pair of newforms. Can't wait to hear them! I'm in the process of buying an amp for the melos. Was looking at the Mccormack dna 125 for $1300. Opinions? You seem very knowledgible and I appreciate the advice.
re: the melos, ewe can ask brant, but i'd bet it's the photentiometer wolume/balance control - it's actuated by a tiny little lite-bulb - the brightness controls the wolume. if ya pull the cover, ewe can prolly see it! :>) according to brant, c-j at one time wanted to buy melos yust for the photentiometer technology.

re: amps, i humbly suggest my electrocompaniet aw100 that's currently f/s... & i'm only asking $800... ;~) the only reason i'm selling is cuz it's not bridgeable, & i am going to run a pair of electro amps in bridged-mono fashion. it's currently driving the woofers of my monitors, w/an aw75 driving the tweets. no desire to change amp brands here - at least not until i can aford a pair of the mondo melos tubed mono-blocs... :>)