Best Pre-amp under 7k

I am looking for a new preamp to fit my system: Theta miles CD, Pass Aleph 3, Proac 2.5, basis 1400 with graham 2.0 and grado reference. I have an audio research PH3SE as my phono stage so I dont need one. Have been looking at Rowland Synergy, Levinson 380S, Hovland, Thor and Audio Research LS25. I enjoy the liquid sound of tubes but highly regard the detail and bass slam from solid state (i.e. Levinson gear). What is the best preamp for my sytem to provide me with detail, superb imaging, tight bass, and a smooth sound? If I have to choose between detail/superb imaging and liquid sound, I would go with the detail/imaging. Thanks for any help in this mind-bending saga!!
The Aloia preamp is a step-up from the CAT at about 3500 retail but will be raising their prices.
Hi,Don't know why nobody has mentioned you user name and added the "buying used" concept. Now taking both together; why not a used Jadis? I believe the CAT Sig. came out in 90/91. Two upgrades in 9 years,at the rate things change/ and only 1200(the 1 was 3995/ to go from 1 to 3 seems decent to me.
Snook2, Please state in detail why you believe the Aloia is a step up from the CAT. What does the Aloia do which the CAT can't. Or, what does the CAT do wrongly which the Aloia doesn't do? I want to know because I have seen other posts which, I believe, you have written which say the same thing and I want to know why I should go out and listen to this product. I am certainly open to the idea that there are better preamps out there than the CAT since I am trying to find one for a second system, but tell me why the Aloia is better!


I certainly agree that the used way is the way to go. I was lucky enough to find my Ultimate on Audiogon almost two years ago for $3400. As far as buying old CATs and upgrading them, these old CATs are something special in their own right and can be a screaming bargain when considering them at their used prices. Some people prefer them to the newer models, so listen first before you upgrade. Just remember that you cannot upgrade to the Ultimate.

Thanks guys,

Ray Hall
The so-called "best" preamp in this price range is debatable, and depends on the application/system and preference. Nevertheless, I beleive that the ARC LS25 (with NOS 6922 tubes) is a very special preamp, at a real-world price point. Coupled with an ARC PH2/VT100 MKII, it produces beautiful music. Highly recommended.
Rayhall I'm not bashing CAT. I've owned them for 5 years. Aloia's phono stage had more gain openness and air. The line stages of both are excellent. Since I've listened to both extensively I would give Aloia(Inductive)an edge.