SF Line 3 vs. Rogue 99

I have listened to the Rogue 99 and think quite favorably of it, but have also seen quite a few very affordable listings for the Sonic Frontiers Line 3 along with some very good reviews.

Comparing the features, etc.. does anyone have any first hand experience listening to and living with either unit?

thx al
Hi Little Al; The Line 3 is musically very neutral, and loaded with features including a great remote. I can't imagine any pre-amp with more features than the Line 3. Besides neutral, the Line 3 also is detailed, with excellent soundstaging. I've not heard the Rogue 99, but can't imagine it having a more desireable feature set than the Line 3. Good Hunting. Craig..
craig has taken the words from my keyboard...the line 3 is exceptional sounding and featured. the sound got me but the remote turned out to be icing on the cake!
I think Craig consisely sums it up. At the current selling price the Line 3 is a bargain compared to its competition. Still, most audio products have a sonic signiture and only you can determine if it works for you in your system. I can only tell you that I auditioned other more expensive preamps and still ended up buying the Line 3. Ultimately price was a big factor, but I don't feel like I sacrificed sound quality for price.
yup, it's all about Craig. he's got it nailed. the Line 3 is great, but don't settle for the line 1 or 2...
The Line 3 is a fine preamp at $5000 The Rogue 99 is a fine preamp at $2000 Due to the large price difference Im sure the Line 3 is a better preamp.I have a 99 and its the last preamp I plan on buying.I would not spend $5000 without listening to both.Hey,you never know!