help with absolute phase

ive just upgraded my Bryston .5b to a YBA2.I understand that this preamp inverts absolute phase.How can i tell if the phase is correct or correct it if its not.i also was wondering if most higher level preamps do this....any advise would help greatly. thanks in advance.
In case this is not clear, you want to reverse the plus and minus speaker cable leads at BOTH speakers OR for both channels of speaker cables at the amplifier. Red to black and black to red. Inverted phase is not the same as AC polarity, so this is independent of your AC power. And it is not the same as out-of-phase, which is much more audible, and which happens when the plus and minus are inverted on one channel only. If your preamp inverts, as your does, I am told that it makes sense to do this procedure even though, as Elgordo says, you will still be "off" for about half of your CDs. What the audio world needs is more preamps and processors with remote control phase reversal.
there are a number of test cd's and lp's that can be used to assure that your system (as oppposed to the source) is in phase. i use the stereophile test disc 2 or the ortophon test lp as a quick check on phase whenever i change out cables or electronics. both of my last 2 preamps have allowed remote reversal of phase, a nice feature given what elgordo rightly notes.
The Bel Canto DAC also has an absolute phase switch that governs the analog outputs. The posts here have cleared up the confusion that I was having with this switch, specificaly on much of the classical music that we play.
Hey Cornfed,
How do you use the stereophile test disc to check phase. I only saw a track to check if L&R were in phase. I'd love to have an easy way to check with my sytem is in or out of absolute phase. I look forward to reading any other thoughts on this topic. Very interesting post about the phase of different labels.
There is much controversy regarding this subject which to me indicates that there is no clear right or wrong. In this context phase refers to whether your speaker cone moves outward in response to the positive half of the input signal. Some people are sensitive to this, most are not. It's easy to test your sensitivity if your preamp or D/A offers this feature. In the recording process phase integrity is rarely maintained. In fact, from track to track on most pop/rock recordings there is no consistency. It will take a serious effort on your part to accurately label a large music collection for absolute phase. I question whether it would be worth the effort. Relative phase is far more important.