Adcom 565 pre-amp fit here?

I would very much appreciate opinions on utilizing an Adcom 565 pre-amp in the following system:

NAD 512 (CD source)
Sony 360 (DVD source - just stereo)
Acurus A250 (amp)
B&W DM100 (speakers - been using them since the 80's)
Audioquest Type4 (speaker wire)
Audioquest Ruby (interconnect)

The system is apartment based - primarily music, with stereo movie viewing.
Really anxious to replace a Carver C-1 pre-amp!

I've always felt the speakers were pretty clean, the Acurus just a tad forward in the highs, and the NAD a bit warm and mellow... Thoughts?

Thank you
One of my preamps is a Adcom 565. This amp is extremely qiet and quite neutral. I have found the better the interconnect the better it sounds. If your power amps are hard sounding you will hear it. It's biggest failing is it soundstage depth isn't very deep. Soundstage width and attack are there. Also it sounds better in the bypass mode. I've used it in a single and bi-amped system.
I have used a 565 with both a Bryston 3B-NRB and a B&K ST-140, in the bypass mode, which is by far the best sounding. I agree with the less than stellar depth of soundstage, but the pre really shines in all other parameters. The interconnect used will make a big difference...I used DH Labs with excellent results. If you can get if for $350 or less, give it a try. At this price, you will be able to get your money back out of it without any trouble whatsoever...provided it doesn't give you the sound you're looking for. I'd try it with both of your amps, but suspect combined with the Acurus Audio and the right interconnect that the combo will be quite good for the money.
I owned an Adcom 565 some years back (then used in a system with with a Golden Tube SE-40 amp, JMLab Daline 3.1 speakers, Kimber PBJ and 4TC, various cd players, Linn Axix tt) and found that things opened up quite dramatically when I got rid of the Adcom and switched to a Melos (tube) preamp. The 565 has been favorably reviewed, but I found it to be flat and not very musically satisfying in my system. 'Have to think one could do alot better for marginally more $$$ used, and if it were me I'd also check out the AES/Cary AE-3 kit. "just my 2 cents"