I sure don't mean to nit-pick against Transparent Ultra, but unless you have seriously compared other cables in your system, even the rather 2D sounding Audioquest Diamond had more treble extension, it's hard to say the Ultra is not rolled off. I would really be interested to hear what other cables you Ultra owners used in your ARC system because other than Cardas and Silver Audio, I had to move up to NBS to really get tonal balance, resolution, top-end extension AND not lose the magical bloom of the ARC products. I use Magnepan 3.3s and the ribbon speaker clearly shows less extension and resolution on the top end with the Ultra compared to the Diamond, Straightwire Virtuoso, SilverAudio Appassionata and NBS Master and Statement. Other than this one "shortcoming" in the context of my system, the Ultra was a great cable for ambience and 3D musicality.