What's the best 5 channel for less then 1K?

Need an amp around 100w/channel x 5 that can
actually play music as well as the dialog and boom
blast of sound tracks. Looking at Parasound, Sony
others. Any recommendations? Needs to drive 3 ohm speakers.
Try the B&K amp modules Old Colony Sound Lab sells for $139.99 each. Get a cabinet from SESCOM, an on/off switch and an Absolute Power Cord and you're set.
How about looking into Acurus amps, they should be well in your price range

I think I am going to side with "Porschecab" here. The reason being is that you said that you want to reproduce in full glory the dialog of movie soundtracks right along with all of the sizzle and boom that goes along with it. And that you want a system that sounds good with music as well. Also, with you saying that you have "3 Ohms" speakers that you have to drive, you are going to need gobs of power and high current in order for this system to perform at its optimum.

But also, if you are going to use a subwoofer also, then I can only hope that you are going to invest in a subwoofer that already has its own amplifier. Because if you are going to be using a passive subwoofer as well, then you are going to need another amp still just to drive the subwoofer (although this time, you may need a bigger and beefier one).

Unless you're going to find some incredible used bargains out there somewhere, that's going to be awfully tough to do for $1K.

If you are doing A/V, I would recommend picking up a used Anthem MCA-5, they tend to sell for about $1k used. The Anthem MCA amps are 200 watts/ch. which will give you more than enough power should you decide to REALLY rattle the walls. It's not a bad amp, I own an MCA-2 for my secondary system. I'm very pleased with it.
I use an Acurus 125x5 for HT and find it excellent. I paid about $850 for mine but have seen them advertised here (used) for $600 or even less. At that price, it would be a steal. Very solidly built, very heavy, very reliable. I think there may be a 200x5 available too, but the 125 is perfectly adequate for me.