Tubes vs Solid State

In the interest of power is there much really sacrificed in quality of sound in choosing SS over tubes. I heard the transistors are semi-conductors while tubes are conductors. Can semi-conductors truly replicate the tube sound or does it come close enough.
I'm not going to get technical with this but: If you ever read a ad for a ss amp that says it has the warmth of a tube amp, then that should tell you what tubes can do. I believe the only thing that will make a difference is the cost over time for tube maintance.(rolling, etc)Power over sonics is a tricky thing.

If you like listening to a CD or LP from beginning to end, go with tubes. If you like listening to certain parts of songs and go through your entire media collection, go with Solid State.
Well I use tubes on top and S/S on the bottom.the reason is obvious tubes sound better for vocals and mids and highs but lack in bass and the solid state stuff is where it excels in.