What's your favorite instrument to listen to....

We all must have a favorite instrument that we prefer to listen to on our systems, be it guitar, sax, piano, vocal(male or female), etc... I realised I am a piano sort of guy, be it Jazz or Classical I tend to seek out piano music. Not saying that I don't listen to other's I just have a piano bias. What's your preference? Is there a specific reason why? Is it your favorite instrument or does it sound best on your system?
Tim: If I were absolutely forced to choose only one favorite instrument, it would be the guitar -- no, wait a minute, it would be the piano -- no, it would be the guitar... You understand the problem. The other "favorite instrument" in a jazz group is the alto sax -- no, wait, the tenor sax -- or maybe the piano. Damn, I'm sure glad there is more than one kind of musical instrument.

Scott C-
I sympathize w/ Scott, and can't even narrow it down to three, blame it on bass clarinet, baritone sax, cello, and tablas or is it vibes, bass, trombone and bassoon? Gotta' have the guitars and drums too. Oh yeah, and (probably most important) the musicians have to be incredibly talented or at least inspired and discovering something. I guess if you can't have your cake and eat it too, a piano gives you more options than most instruments.