What's your favorite instrument to listen to....

We all must have a favorite instrument that we prefer to listen to on our systems, be it guitar, sax, piano, vocal(male or female), etc... I realised I am a piano sort of guy, be it Jazz or Classical I tend to seek out piano music. Not saying that I don't listen to other's I just have a piano bias. What's your preference? Is there a specific reason why? Is it your favorite instrument or does it sound best on your system?
Electric guitar, acoustic guitar (especially flemenco), mandolin, piano and the female voice.
Strings, as my system improved, especially after getting into tubes & ribbons, acoustic string music, classical, jazz, BG, New Acoustic, rock unplugged.....whatever genre.
Most instruments played well are truly a pleasure to listen to, but the one that comes to mind that moved me the most is a cello. Pianos, violins, guitars, and saxes are all great, but a cello takes the top prize for me. I don't know if it's that big bow being pulled across the strings or the depth of the sound it makes, but it can bring tears to my eyes.