Tired of SS amp.

Going back to tubes,the pass x 350 is a great amp but just isint it. Any thoughts on amps.Monos only.Connsidering ?
Cary 211m, Atmasphere Ma 1 mk2,Lamms ml1,Conrad Johnson Pr.5 or 8s.
Steven it's so hard to say without knowing your speakers. If I were to build a system again I would try and buy the amps and speakers together to make sure there was synergy. I have heard the Cary, Atmasphere and CJ but not the Lamm. They are all great in their own way. Any one could be better than the other depending on the speaker. If I were forced to pick, I would say I was most impressed with the Atmasphere. Good luck with your system.
While i'm not real familiar with a lot of different tube gear, i too liked the Atmasphere stuff that i've previously heard.

As to your Pass amp being the problem, i would probably chalk it up more to lack of system synergy than the amp NOT being a fully capable performer. Unless you've literally tried a LOT of various gear and cables with it and your speakers at the heart of the system, you may never find out exactly what makes it tick and how to get it to all blend together. While i'm not saying that you can make something that initially resembles a "dirty diaper" sound good by careful system matching, the results might really surprise you. Sean

Steven, I'm with Sean & Delancey: system matching is paramount. What's the rest of yr gear (speakers, pre)? Incidentally I've heard the Cary & CJ 8s and found the latter more bass heavy than the former --- but, that's no indication of performance in yr system...