you sound a little like me, (capable of a mean streak when ripped off), and believe me that is an option I had reserved for last. However, doesn't look necessary. HK rep. agreed to replace for free. They will ship me a knew one within a week. The dealer did try to riggle out, but went to bat for me when pressured. In any event, I was happy with the quality of the Surround features, it had a nice additional touch called Logic7 with I ran my cd thru sometime, gave it a larger sound stage playing thru 5 speakers.
thanks for help and advice guys, I will let you know how this turns out.
you sound a little like me, (capable of a mean streak when ripped off), and believe me that is an option I had reserved for last. However, doesn't look necessary. HK rep. agreed to replace for free. They will ship me a knew one within a week. The dealer did try to riggle out, but went to bat for me when pressured. In any event, I was happy with the quality of the Surround features, it had a nice additional touch called Logic7 with I ran my cd thru sometime, gave it a larger sound stage playing thru 5 speakers.
thanks for help and advice guys, I will let you know how this turns out.