Do We need a dedicated server on PC format

Hello all, I asked this question on another thread and thought it would be best to post it on its own.
Among other things, I buy consumer electronics for a living. I have read through a few threads talking about how hard it can be setting up a computer optimized for high quality listening. Last week at a trade show, I spoke with HP & Acer about making a dedicated music server... meaning from the factory, it would have a great processor, proper ram, most likely ssd drives and maybe installed programming ready to go.. i.e. JRiver/Foobar/XXHighend etc. along with instruction on how to shutdown or not use any windows programming that is not needed but they are forced to include. I realize that there are a ton of Mac users out there, I have come to believe that a properly optimized pc using windows 8 can compete quite well with Mac and we should be able to end up with a noticeably lower cost... Acer had a mild interest in our community and recommended that I look at a model S5 as a format or starting point... This minute, it retails for $1399, but I am told that retail is dropping to $999 within the next month or so. It has one of the better i7 mobile capable processors and dual 128gb ssd drives (256), they indicated that these could easily be dual 256 ssd drives without much added cost. They cannot yet ship win 8, but had no problem there... I'm really wondering how much interest we have. I realize that its not skin off anybodies teeth to jump up and say YES, go after it, but I am putting my relationship on the line and it sounds like about a minimum of a 6 month ordeal to develop a new model, so I don't want to spin my wheels nor put a manufacturer through the expense for them to be able to sell 100 units or so. Obviously world wide sales should be better than that, buy you get the idea. I have included a notebook model only, it didn't seem lie there would be any problems developing a desktop solution. I'm really not sure that I can get a manufacturer to really develop this, so I'm after anything that I can find out before I would start pushing, Any input would be appreciated.
Good luck on this. I feel this is an overlooked aspect. Laymen like me need familiarity and a laptop that is nothing more than a dedicated music server sounds like the way to go. Convenience rules in this market. Everyone knows their way around a laptop to some degree. Even me (I can fake it).

Would a quality headphone out fit? It would broaden appeal.
(just being a sounding board)

All the best,
If you are active on some other forums as I am (AVS forums, Audio Asylum, Audio Circle, Media Center user grp etc.) I would suggest a group buy scenario. On one the cycling sites I frequent we do group buys for bike frames from the OEM with no decals and components as well. Typically we need at least 100 to 200 committed buyers to submitt an order. Parts are shipped direct to the user no middle men and no retail mark-up. Pay via Paypal or Visa.
Thank you so much for your reply guys, with a grand total of 6 of us chiming in and not even all 6 looking at a possibility of wanting this, I'll most likely putz along doing what we do. I have an eval piece coming of the S5 that I mentioned, but at this point, I'm not comfortable to push for something to be done...
Tom, yes, I have accounts with Audio Asylum, Audio Circle, Audio Kharma and DIY Audio, I'm on Agon daily and the others maybe once a month. I'm thinking after seeing this that it would be a real chore to put together a buy... Some suppliers more like Al mentioned would be the best route for a limited one time buy. I appreciate you all, Tim