Help, moved and very unhappy the sound of the syst

In the new room the hole excitment level of the system dissappered. My heart rate no longer races, and I truly miss this. Any ideas would be very helpful.

What I have done,

Current room, 26x14. 9ft ceiling at listing position(back wall) 12 foot ceilings at front. The front of the system is in the middle of the long wall. Glass patio door prevents using the length of the room, due to sunlight on tv.

Myryad MPD 500 pre
Bryston 9b amp
Phase Tech PC 9.1 as mains
Phase Tech PC 3.1 as center/rears
HSU VTF-2 sub

It was suggeste that I try a new sub, so I got a Revel b15. Basically no improvement, just no life to the system. Improvement was less than 5%

So I started plotting everything. Found that I had large dip 12db around 63hz. I am a little confused on how to fix this, with sub or front mains so I started with the front mains. Pulled them out from the wall until I got a good plot from them. About 5 feet from the wall, this room is 14 wide, looks funny. But I live alone so who cares. Got the plots to improve to atleast a +-6db range. The system sounds better, but no where close to before. The previous room was an apartment, much smaller. 16x8x9 or so. I had a large glass fish tank in that room, front of tank was 6x2.

I really just do not know what to do next. The system has no heart racing ability. A larger amp will not do much unless I really go big, Brystons 7bs. Talked to stores, Bryston and Phase Tech. Phase Tech basically said "huh thanks for telling me"

With the speakers way out from the wall the 2ch preformance better. Getting weird reflections I think though.

I ended up using the pre amp crossofer at 80hz having the revel low level crossover set at 40hz, letting the revel take all the real low stuff, using its high pass to send the rest to the Hsu(40-80hz). The system is still missing 75% of the heart jump starting ability.

Thanks for the help.

First thought about your arrangement is that using the wall with the 9' height for your equipment and the 12' height for your listening position might be a better choice if possible.