BAT VK 500?

what do you think about this amp?
is this amp in same level of performense vs the pass x...
or plinius or.....
I have had a VK-500 for about 2 months now. It replaced a great sounding but leaner PS Audio 100c. I use it on Vandersteen 2CE sigs for Jazz and Rock. I have been very impressed by the improvement in almost every aspect of my system. The most obvious being the bass extension and control. Soundstage is stable and large. Well recorded drums sound real! Worth every penny.

The Plinius and the Pass labs amps have similar design philosophies. But I have not heard them in my system to compare.
The bat didnt sound as open and airy as the levinson did. And I love mids. And the levinson also has a deeper soundstage which I really liked. The BAT was really good though. good luck I NEVER TRIED ROWLAND
My speakers are Martin logan aerius i. I had a bryton 3bst, I sold it after lissening to the bat vk200. I also auditioned the plinius, ar, mccormack, meridan, audiomat, signature and many others. I completely crushed all of the above in every area. And had excellent surenergy with the bat 3i pre. Never had the opportunity to listen to M Lev gear, or pass. I now own a vk200, bass response is excellent and so are mids and highs.
Good luck
I picked up a VK200 on the used market and prefer it to my Rowland Model 3 monos driving my current speakers - Martin Logan SL3s. The Rowlands (which I bought new twelve years ago) have a great mellow, very dimensional sound on stats which is good but the BAT solid state stuff is just AWESOME on electrostats. Anybody with stats really should try the BAT stuff. I haven't listened to the BAT tube amps but the VK 200 is so good in my system I'm considering shopping around for one of their preamps.