NEW Pre Amp Processor - Narrowing down the list

I am hoping that the non-response to my earlier request was due to my lame subject title, so I am trying again. I would really like your opinions. I am getting very close to closing a deal on the EAD.
I am looking to upgrade the pre amp processor. Here's what I have them narrowed down to:

Krell HTS
Accuphase CX 260
Classe SSP 75
Anthem AVM 20
EAD Theatremaster 8000

I have a Classe CA300 amp driving Innersound ISIS. I have a multichannel amp driving the center and surrounds. I don't even want to get into what those are, because you guys would start tearing up that part of the chain and I don't have the money to worry about the rest of it yet. I am looking to spend between $3K-$4K.
I am mostly interested in the 2CH sound and not so much all the snazzy features for HT craziness. I love details and mid range - very warm musical sounds. If anyone has "ears-on" experience with any of these three, I would love to hear your opinions.

Thanks in advance,
I have not heard all of the models listed above, but do have some experience with the Krell, Classe, and Anthem. Since I don't know the details of the rest of your system, I will base my advice solely on your comments above, and my own listening experiences. To get quickly to the point, I would be inclined to buy the Classe SSP 75, which I think will do the best job meeting your objectives. The only negative comment I have heard from some Audiogon owners of this unit concerns reliability. You may want to look back through the archives to see if there is any persistent theme.
Given your stated primary interest in 2CH, suggest the Aragon Soundstage. Original list was $4k and have seen them in the classifieds for $1500-$2000. Will provide all you need for HT and the analog pre is essentially their well regarded Aurum. Can be upgraded to their latest, the Stage One later if you ever feel the need.

Has full analog pass-through, so your vinyl, SACD, and/or high quality external dac are not converted by the Soundstage's internal dacs. Many manufacturers don't provide this for some reason, which is a must for someone who's primary interest is stereo, IMHO. Not familiar with the pre-pros you've listed to know if they provide it.

With the money saved out of your budget by this approach you may be able to do some of the upgrades of other parts of your system that you want to accomplish.
I will only be of limited help since I have not auditioned all on your list, but did have one observation. If you like warm & musical sounds, I wouldn't pursue the Krell, which I felt leaned more toward dynamics and details (and has done so traditionally too).

Good luck,