Melos SHA-1 preamplifier

Any feedback about its performance as a dynamic headphone (e.g. Sennheiser HD580) amplifier is very much appreciated.
Also, does anyone have the web address of the company or business that took over Melos Technologies? Thanks.
Melos is now known as Melos Audio Restorations located in Las Vegas, Nevada. The person you want to speak with is Will and his number is (702)248-6745, fax (702)248-7267. I have a SHA-Gold balanced and had them totally upgrade it, whow what a sonic improvement.These preamps are among some of the best sounding and for the cost cannot be beat, well worth the investment. I was very pleased with my experience with Melos.
Thank you guys for sharing your experiences with the Melos preamplifiers and the contact information. All the best to you all! AL
i heard the sha-gold a couple years ago, & it was great as-is - i can imagine the mods would *really* make it sweet. i had melos audio restorations update my ma-333 to a maestro & am wery happy with it/them. if/when they ever come out w/a gnu photentiometer-style wolume control, i will send it back to them for this & their other latest mods...

doug s.

ps - there's yust adwertized on a-gon an sha-gold for $700 - hard to beat at anywhere near the price, imho. the sha-gold is basically a full-function linestage w/the same headfone amp as in the sha-1, btw...