Amp "Hum" caused by dimmer switches

I just recently got an Acurus 100x3 amp to drive the front 3 speakers of my home theater system and I am disapointed to find out that my room light dimmer switch is causing a very noticeable "hum" that can be heard from the listening position when no audio signal/ low passages are present. I did not have this problem using the amp in my harmon/kardon receiver. I do not want to remove the dimmer and go to an on/off switch and do not have the money for a power conditioner. Am I out of luck and have to resell the amp? I bought it used from this sight so I can not return it. The amp sounds very nice when the lights are not in use. I'd love to get some sound advice! Thanks!
Khaki8 , I bought my Quiet Line Filters at CES, after I heard the demo,

Sean, I went into a lot of detail about electrical in another post, so won't cover all points. The short version is that I had the electric company do a dedicated transformer, run 220 three phase and install a 750 amp straight thorough box (amp probe meter rather than disconnect type). Then I put all digital on lower leg, all analog on higher leg, and third phase to air conditioning system. The fourteen dedicated breakers are all 10 gauge with a separate TNN ground to true earth. The star ground does not even see the rest of the house.

As far a comments about dimmers, I too have none in my home. The reason I answered the question the way I did was the fact that the poster seemed ready to sell his amp rather than do away with the lighting.

Difficult to know what is important to anyone's family. Add to that, the filters did help my system, even when I had no problem. Looked like an inexpensive option, compared to selling gear. As always, will not fit everyone's needs.
Thanks for filling me in Albert. Sounds like you have an absolutely killer system in every way possible.

I hope i didn't come across as criticizing your suggestions. I've always found your comments and writing style completely enjoyable and well worth paying attention to. While I was simply trying to cover the simplest and least expensive stuff first, I can understand your suggestions also. Like you said though, not everybody thinks or does things the same way. In that respect, it would be better to try some basic filtering before unloading the amp. Sean
Albert, do you have a before and after story on the sound? How much better was it after the "extreme" electric? Does your system always now sound like Sunday morning 3AM.(no I am not kidding). Very late night electric is way way better sounding. I think most of the "gremlins" where folks love their system one day and can't get the "magic" the next day, are all mostly due to electric variations.
Dimmers, even Lutron, are all a nightmare in audio. Halogen track lighing is even worse. The buzzing can even be heard on the lights themselves. Arcmania's post is dead on.
The before and after story is that all the electrical work produced an unmistakable upgrade in performance in every piece in the system. It was obvious from the first few notes, and it got better after some burn in time.

The disappointment comes in the fact that it does not always sound like 3:00 AM Sunday morning. I know what you are describing, and only wish that could be.

The sound is always better than it was before, but still improves during the quiet times you are talking about. A good description would be that the electrical work moved the entire system up, but was unable to overcome the laws of physics (IE: You can still hear the noise, hash and crud on the electrical lines till everyone has finally gone home to bed.)
Albert....not to stray from the thread, but I am interested in your service entrance. Three phase on a home? With "CT" metering? Did you have to pay a fee for the "private" transformer? Do you have to pay a "demand" fee for the three phase? Two seperate grounding electrode systems, not bonded together, no problems with difference of potential? ie, any surges comming in on the grounded conductor (neutral) and passing right by the main ac grounding electrode and out through your equipment to the other grounding system? Just curious......