Solve this fun puzzle

How would one select components to begin a new 2 channel system. Do i start with speakers, amps, preamps, or transport. Lets say i start with speakers, how do i now which amp to use. Is it possible for me to miss the perfect combo if i dont audition them all. There are just too many variables. lets say i had 5 choices for each category, that easily over 100 combinations. To narrow it down and to let you guys help me with suggestions i am currently looking on how to spend $900 on used market for the complete system for my apartment. A cd player will be my only source, so i favor amps with volume controls. Please help. Bye the way i live in Birmingham, AL, there aren't much auditioning options available here.
The Magnapen MMG's used, about $400 to $425, would be really good for a system in that price range too.
Spend more money on speakers. While it is true in general that source components are vital to good sound, let's face it, at $900 you can't afford to be too picky. At this price level I believe you get the most bang for your buck by putting it towards speakers over electronics.

That said, my first recommendation would be the Triangle Titus at $495. Personally I'd much rather have cheaper electronics running these than better electronics running any of the sub $300 speakers. The other no brainer would be a Creek integrated amp, which you may be able to get easily on the used market now since they've introduced a very popular new model and many may be looking to upgrade. Lastly, I'd try to find a used Rotel or Cambridge Audio D300 or D500 for a source. I'd worry about upgrading cables later and use what I had on hand or find some really cheap used stuff. It will have an affect on the sound but not nearly as much as skimping on one of the components. Same with stands. Best of luck.

Duh, I meant 20 gauge cable.
That and I have 303's, not 302's.
And that last sentence is a mess...
Looks like I shouldn't try to write and listen to music at the same time.
Fpeel is right about the cables, but only up to a point IMHO. You will notice a difference with cables, however a high resolution cables will reveal the short comings of the CD Player and Amplifier, probably with an increase in graininess among other things. I picked the Solar Wind to get to the $900 budget. It is a very nice cable for the money. In the Nordost line a Blue Heaven would work even better (and is $50 more used). Above that, any better cable would be too revealing. At the very least the Straightwire Chorus is a good cheap cable. If you go with bare speaker wire, get 12 AWG (or 14).
There is a Sherwood Newcastle cd-980 for sale on this site. The member's name is Noksmall. The price is $180.00 Go to audioreview for reviews.