Solve this fun puzzle

How would one select components to begin a new 2 channel system. Do i start with speakers, amps, preamps, or transport. Lets say i start with speakers, how do i now which amp to use. Is it possible for me to miss the perfect combo if i dont audition them all. There are just too many variables. lets say i had 5 choices for each category, that easily over 100 combinations. To narrow it down and to let you guys help me with suggestions i am currently looking on how to spend $900 on used market for the complete system for my apartment. A cd player will be my only source, so i favor amps with volume controls. Please help. Bye the way i live in Birmingham, AL, there aren't much auditioning options available here.
Duh, I meant 20 gauge cable.
That and I have 303's, not 302's.
And that last sentence is a mess...
Looks like I shouldn't try to write and listen to music at the same time.
Fpeel is right about the cables, but only up to a point IMHO. You will notice a difference with cables, however a high resolution cables will reveal the short comings of the CD Player and Amplifier, probably with an increase in graininess among other things. I picked the Solar Wind to get to the $900 budget. It is a very nice cable for the money. In the Nordost line a Blue Heaven would work even better (and is $50 more used). Above that, any better cable would be too revealing. At the very least the Straightwire Chorus is a good cheap cable. If you go with bare speaker wire, get 12 AWG (or 14).
There is a Sherwood Newcastle cd-980 for sale on this site. The member's name is Noksmall. The price is $180.00 Go to audioreview for reviews.