Would I benefit from biamping?

I know that this may fall into opinion, but? Would I benefit from purchasing a second Krell KSA-250a and run them in a bridged mode to my Dynaudio Contour 1.3SE's? Or am I already fine with the power that I have? Would biamping give me that, more immediacy, more detail, just more? Do I need a crystal ball to figure this out or just a couple of grand to buy a used KSA-250a and try it? There are so many things to buy. I don�t want to waste money.
I while back there was a long thread about this very subject. I have saved a link to a web-site (http://www.sound.au.com/bi-amp.htm) that you should read to give you some very good ideas about bi-amping. It talks about the various "options" you have and what their individual benefits are. I personally think it's a great article.
Bi-amping almost always helps; especially actively bi-amping.
That said, in my opinion, you should first upgrade your amp. I would sell you KAV and purchase a Krell FPB. I guarantee the improvement will blow you away!