what is it like to mix tube and solid..

what is it like to mix a tube pre and a solid state amp? or the other way around? or is it even okay to do that? to specify the equipments, say a conrad-j and a classe. what do you guys think?
Tube pre-amps with solid state amps is an excellent way to come close to the best of both worlds, and it is what I use. Some also use a solid state pre-amp and a tube amp-- IMO this often gives a more "tubey" sound. But of course it depends on the specific components in use. Your suggestion of a tube d CJ pre-amp and SS Classe' could be great-- or not. You'd just have to try it. Good Luck. Craig
I think it is about like trying to mix cottage cheese with maybe a pimiento cheese. Sure, they are both cheeses, but each tastes very different from the other. Some people are actually into it and don't mind the blend of cheesy flavors. Personally, I find it hard to endorse. Instead, I'd rather load my cracker with say, a nice brie, all by it's lonesome.
I used a CJ PV-10 tube pre and CJ MF2100 SS power amp for a couple years with great results. The Tube Blue Circle BC21 tube preamp was specifically designed to go with the BC22 SS power amp.
In New York City there is a Wonderful high end Audio Store. The Equipment is some of the Best Audio Equipment in the World. In Alot of the Listening rooms you will see alot of TUBE pre-amps connected with Solid State Amplifiers.The mix is often referred to as, "TUBE on Top". I see much more "TUBE on Top". as opposed to Solid State Pre Amp and a Tube Amplifier. That is not to say, that the arrangment will not sound good. I have experimented with both, Solid State Pre- Amp and a Tube Amplifier. I can personally recommend this particular arrangement first hand, it is a wonderful compliment to one another .