Separates or Receiver for 2K

Any opinions on which to go with; separate prepro/amp or a great receiver - combined use Music and HT - in this price range, used equip OK. Speakers are 6ohm, 88db.
Separates is the way to go!I went away from recievers so long ago I can't remember!
Just went from a denon 2800 to the 2800 with seperate amp for front two speakers to a b&k ref 20($600) with a b&k 3channel($400) amp and bryston 2 channel ($600). Don't see myself ever going the reciever route again. Difference is night and day. With $2000 you have a lot of choices on the used market. Have fun. You can buy and try things, sell if not satisfied and usually get most if not all of your money back.
I've got Harnman Kardon AVR525. If I would use it as prepro and if I would get Rotel RMB-1075 amplifier, would I get much better sound?
I have a Lexicon CP-3Pro ,but I have not inserted it my system yet.It should be alot better than any reciever going because it will allow my to keep my 2ch. away from my HT in the same system using a Passive Preamp with a 5ch. amp and a Dedicated 2ch. amp for the mains.

I cannot imagine spending $$ to screw up 2ch. playback and that is what people do by buying HT recievers.

Ideally, if I am to combine home theater with 2 channel music, I'd buy a higher quality preamp and 2 channel poweramp then add the processor and 3 channel amp. However, it would be hard to get all this below $2K plus mucho cables. So, for $2k, I'd go with a receiver especially considering most poweramps within this price range are not that much more musical than receivers to begin with.