Cary Amp and B W Nautilus 805's

Does anyone have any experience with Tube amps and B&W speakers? Right now I have a 100w Mcintosh 7001 amp running B&W 602 II’s. I hope to soon upgrade to the Nautilus 805’s. I’m VERY interested in the Carry SIGNITURE SLA 70B amp. I have seen these sold for a reasonable used price but haven’t found any resources anywhere to learn about them. Are they SET? What are the pro’s/con’s of Push pull amps? I really want to get into Tube Amps but….. Want to spend $1000 or under and want the ability to CRANK up some ‘well produced’ classic rock every now and again!
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I'm using Cary 300SE Signature & B&W Nautilus 805. They sound wonderful. As far as dynamic is concerned, I only lose a little comparing dealer's Classe 150W amp.
Cary SLI-80 sounds very fine with my 805N speakers.
I run it at the 40W setting for the best sound. I ran the same set -up with a Classe Cap150 for a year and when the Cary arrived, I sold the Classe. The only thing the Classe did better was the lowest bit of base. But on hot days I wish I didn't have those hot tubes in the room.