AMC Tube Amplifiers

Can anyone share any experiences, good or bad, about any AMC tube amplifiers. They seem like good values and are sold at discounts. While I like bargains, discounts sometimes make me wonder....
joe, be careful - i tink these guys may be being nice to me cuz they're tired of me plugging my amp f/s, every oppurtunity i can get... ;~) and, i guess trelja's right - it's not that the amps are toob-like, it's more like: those who prefer toob amps also seem to count these among the few s/s amps they also enjoy...

doug s.

Thanks everyone.
The price I would pay for the AMC is about 50% of retail for a brand new unit, which is what attracted my attention.
The Audio Refinement is nice sounding but does not have enough watts for my needs. I have also heard the 70 watt YBA amp drive my speakers and it sounds good, but not as rich as my tube amps.
The electrocomp. is interesting but may not work with my speakers. I have heard that amp sound absolutely great, but it was with speakers that are much more revealing than mine. I borrowed one many years ago and it didn't work right with my stuff-no reflection on the amp. You certainly have it priced attractively. I will try and contact you by e-mail.
sorry joe, looks like davie beat ya to it - w/*that* much $$$, now i can get those melos amps i lust after... ;~)