Hi Paul: You may want to look into the amps at Decware.com which to me sound very similar to the 2A3 amps that I have listened to in that they are extremely detailed and good at the frequency extremes. I listened to a very early version of their basic amp (which had a volume pot for use with a single line source) and will assume that the later models are even better. They sell for $500-$700 or less in kit form and the ouput tubes are very inexpensive. I tried the one that I had on loan with a pair of Chorus II's, but they should be able to easily run B&W 302's in a small room (I think that they were used in the pro review). The new models come equipped with silver IC's which should help to keep you under budget even if you opt for the premium model. The only drawback is that the amp is so detailed that you will want to use it with a decent source. There is a review of an earlier version (though later than mine) at TNT audio which will give you a better idea of the sound than which I can describe (http://www.tnt-audio.com/ampli/zentriode_e.html).