Upgrading to Tube; Amp or Preamp

I am currently looking to upgrade my existing system a piece at a time. I currently have a set of Vandersteen 2ce Sigs, VPI mkIII w/RB250 Origin Mod w/Dynavector cartidge, Adcom 565 Preamp, Adcom 555 mkII w/Musical Concept mod, and a Rega Planet CD. I have a rather small listening room, 15x18 w/vaulted ceilings and want to migrate to tube gear. I have heard the Rogue 120 amps and 99 preamp on the Vandersteens and thought they sounded marvelous.

I am into analogue mostly classical, jazz, and some rock. My budget is in the $2000 dollar range and since I want to get as big a bang for the big would it be best to replace the Preamp or Amp. The Adcom gear is a little too bright and the soundstage and imaging are not near (imagine that)what I heard with the Rogue combo. I like the Vandersteens alot but have heard that they get a little too laid back with tube gear. My aim is to put about two to three thousand in my system a year until my wife stops me.

Look forward to the suggestions, oh yeah getting rid of my wife is not an option (ha, ha).
I would go pre amp first. Try the VAC Standard which you can find under 2K online. You can get excellent deals on the upper end Kora pre amps online too. The only unit I was extremely impressed with at or about the 1K price point was the EAR. Of course these units were reviewed and judged with the gear I used at the time. Your milage may vary. Using a THOR I picked up for well under 4K online a few months back.
I have Vandy 2C's with an ARC SP-8 preamp and D-115
ARC amp. Great mating with the speakers with outstanding imaging and midrange..plenty of bass for me, but the highs seem a little rolled off compared to other systems I've heard. Stress on the word "little". So far, I haven't messed with CD's.

The D-115 is great . The only problem I've had is that I bought it with used tubes and replaced the original set with a used set from ARC...every time one of the 6550's goes out, the amp has to go to the shop because it takes out a resistor too. This has happened twice in 10 years. Guess that's not too bad, but some may think differently. Have given some consideration to trading it in for a D-70, but will probably keep coughing up the money because I love the sound. The SP-8 is a jewel. Hardly any problems at all with it. Mates well with my alternate amp, a souped up Dyna St 70. Both the ARC products would probably fit your budget in the used market.
Conceptually agree witha the previous posts regarding a tube pre, but include the Audible Illusions Modulus 3A in your comparisons. Good luck.
Try to get a PREMIER 3 by C.J.has a great phono stage.Otherwise try to get the PV-5.This would go good with a S.S. amp.Audible Illusions is also a good choice.good luck in your search.
I have Vandies with Rogue 120s and a 99 pre and I used to use a ss amp and preamp. What you won't get is the same kind of bass you get with a ss amp. What you will get is a midrange that will make you not care. You will get coherence, timbre and a soundstage depth that your Adcom stuff just can't do.
Palpable floating images and sweetness will suddenly become adjectives with real meaning in your system. Solid state hardness combined with cd brightness drove me to tubes years ago. I have not missed solid state. 'nuff said.