Problems with Movie Dialog-Just the normal?

Hi all,

This is my biggest pet peeve with my system and would appreciate any thoughts-

When I setup my system via spl meter, all channels matching levels, the vast majority of movies have very low dialog levels, or specific instances where I can't hear dialog clearly, in the center channel. Drives me absolutely nuts. I keep turning things up until the loud parts hit the neighbors at the end of the block come a knocking. The distance to listening position is equal across the front.

I have tried to setup a balanced system, see system link. Equal power to all channels, the center channel is the same exact driver set as front mains housed in a horizontal array.

I'm torn between "how the director wants things portrayed-THX standards" and feeling "less-than" by flat out turning up the level in the center channel. Sometimes I've tried the late night modes and almost enjoyed these more.

I don't think the center speaker is "broken" in any way, all drivers make noise...:)

Any ideas?

I have double/triple checked the phase settings. Also my processor has a automatic setup(don't really use, just for kicks to see what it thinks things should be) this also included a phase check. Previously I had some speakers with the phase reversed between the tweeters/woofers. Drove me nuts.

The speakers(all) are set to LARGE, with no crossover settings. The LFE is set to roll at 80hz. I guess I should try rolling the speakers at 80HZ also, this just seems to be doing two things at once. I've tried this, just not for some time.

Or leave the rest set to large(I'm weird, the rears are basically large by most peoples definition) and cross the center alone at 80-120Hz. The center is exactly the same as the front mains, just a different driver layout. I'm sure the difference in cabinets makes some difference.

Thanks for the ideas,
I would try setting the center only, at the 120hz cutoff point. If the processor has a steep Xover, say 24db/octave, the your "midbass hump" may not be effected. But, if it is a gentle slope, say 12db/octave, then midbass will be effective reduced.

There isnt much dialog in the rears. However, it could be that your particular system and room enhance the midbass to a point that it is drowning out the centers dialog. With that in mind you may want to try ALL speakers set to 100 or 120 hertz, except the main L/R. Just as a test.

Your gear and speakers are all first rate, outside of an actual faulty unit in the chain somewhere, I would bet the answer lies in the tweaking.

If your processor will, try out a "phantom center" setting again just for testing purposes.

Is the Heron center a Transmission line as well?
Here's a suggestion. You may be experiencing a false reading on your SPL meter for the center channel if you point the microphone straight ahead (parallel to the floor) when taking your reading. To obtain the most accurate reading, try pointing the microphone up at roughly a 45-degree angle so the meter measures a blend of direct/reflected sound from all speakers.

For best results, I position my SPL meter at the listening position on a camera tripod (at ear level, pointing up 45 degrees). I stand beside the meter a few feet away during the test tones because even holding the meter too close to your body can reflect sound back to the SPL meter's microphone and distort the reading.

Good luck!