Home Theatre Processor reccomendation

Looking at a host of used versus new equipment and have the following decision to make. If new, looking at the Sunfire Grand Theatre 3 and the B&K Reference 50. Used components include the Cal Audio CL 2500, the Classe SSP 75 and the Krell Showcase. Assume any of these will be a tremendous upgrade to the current surround sound setup which utilizes the Adcom GSA 700 looped through a classe CP 60 pre-amp.

Any and all feedback/thoughts is much appreciated.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmattkimb96
The Classe SSP 75 and the McIntosh MX132 are both excellent and have similar tonal qualities. Their DACs are fantastic too. I will go with one of these (probably the Mc for its cool look as an added bonus) when I go with HT. Good luck -
One you may want to consider is the Anthem AVM20 v2. This piece is very upgradable and has every connection you could want (including XLR inputs for 2 channel and XLR outputs for all channels), making it very flexible. The 2 channel performance is stellar for a SS preamp and also allows for direct bypass of all converters and bass management. The component video switching is tops in the industry allowing 1080p bandwidth. What made me jump on the AVM20 v2 was the price at $3400 new. This unit can be had for under $3000 saving money for all the cables and other components.