YOu know if you're cd player(or source for music) has better dacs than your pre/pro's your considering. You might stick with the budget Classe SSP30(sonically superb for HT at the very least, plus music), and loop through a higher quality 2 channel tube preamp or something for your 2 ch dubties!! You won't surpas the sound if you're doing digital pre/pro's for your music as well! Although every situation might be a tad different, depending on variables, I think the way you're doing it now is good! You might just upgrade your pieces to better pre/pro and 2 ch pre!
I don't get into the Lexicons myself. I've sold Lex since 1997. Every year they come out with another "digital sounding", unrefined, "non-audiophile" piece! It's always sonically little better than the preamp sections of most receivers I've come across!...sterile at best.
Now maybe I'm pounding the "gadget-marketed", "surround mode oriented" Lexicons a bit much. But I've always been WWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAY dissapointed in the sound from those EXPENSIVE units! Now the MC12 is like 8 bagillion dollars or something. And I get better sound from a Classe SSP25(old) and 2 channel high end preamp(for light years less) than the MC12!!!!
Ok, so I have my beef's with Lexicons
While I've not heard the anthem, I would hope it would sound good. If you can find an excellent, audiophile sounding digital pre/pro for movies, I think you shouldn't loose with a better 2 ch pre for music. It's going to likely end up being cheaper, and get maximum results for both! Let us know how it works, and if you're happy with the sound either way. As, of course, there may be variables I've not considered, and better choices!..I'd be interested in finding out if so..