Space-Tech preamp review

The preamp that I purchased was the QA-113 - with 2 RCA inputs, one RCA and one balanced output, and one record out. It uses 4 6G6G and one 6X5 tubes. The preamp is now sitting in a box, not because I don't like it but because I'm getting ready for the long drive from Vancouver to Ottawa (Canada). This review is, therefore, based on probably only 50 hours of listening.
First, you'll have to understand that I am fairly new to tubes and don't have a golden ear (I don't think I do
anyway). I'm also not too familar with the audiophile terms regarding the description of the difference in sound but I'll try my best.

My system first: Quicksilver 300B push-pull monoblock prototypes, Ah! Tjoeb 99, Apogee Centaur Minor (ribbon hybrid) speakers, and pure silver interconnects from Stealth. The comparison is being made only between my other preamp, a Caztech SPa-1(Canadian made but the company is no longer in existence), as the only other tube units I've heard are a VAC pre and a ARC LS-1 belonging to a friend, using 2 6CG7/6FQ7 tubes and based on a PCB. Albert, the owner of Space-Tech, recommended that the QA-113, although much more than what I had budgeted for, would complement my power amp as the 6G6G tubes have excellent highs, and needless to say, I will be eating less for the next couple of weeks. The Caztech sounds REALLY good for only $300 (used)! The ST (Space-Tech) is more laidback while the Caztech seems more analytical. The soundstage seems bigger with the ST, and the sound floor (???) seems to have moved back a bit, meaning that it seems like the performers are now further away. Albert is right that this baby is better in the high frequencies, drumbs sound much clearer and sharper. Bass is more or less the same I haven't really tried to compare that yet - I've been listening to the music while reading a novel. Voices are a little nicer sounding that the Caztech. I've got to pay more attention but my speakers seemed to have disappeared! My room is not ideal and I didn't play around much with placing my speakers but it seems that the ST makes everything sound a little better. I believe the Caztech was retailed at $500 or 600 while the ST QA-113 retails at $880. I think the money was well spent, even though I don't have much to spend as a recently graduated MSc student. Now I have to start looking for tubes to roll. Albert indicated that the tubes for the buffer stage could be substituted with other 6 volt tubes to alter the sound thereby making this preamp somewhat flexible. Time to start saving to roll the tubes.

To check out all the cool stuff that Albert has, go to his website at:
hey dekay, wirehead also lives in the area and has checked it out and had interesting things to say about it. he did a demo of a bunch of space-tech's gear.

by the way dekay, i never got around to swapping the tubes you researched for my pre because i went with an arc ref1. if you're interested in giving the space-tech a workout you can borrow it for as long as you like. let me know. maybe i can give it to you at randy's again and we can demo some more goodies.
Kubla: Yes, I would be interested in trying to run the Audion 300B through it when I put together another set of the OTA IC's (right now I am short on IC's). Thanks for the offer. Perhaps we can get together over here later on and/or even share a ride up to Brulee's if JHunter schedules the PC shoot out later this month. I will try and dig up a better pair of 6SN7's for it, which will then stay with the preamp. I wish that we had a Bottlehead Foreplay to compare it to (a friend of mine is going to build one, but it may be awhile). I will start researching the tubes in the meantime.
ok dekay, im in. when you set everything up let me know and we'll get to it. too bad i ditched my morrison! would be nice to have more people backing me up on my opinions on that one.
Dekay, I live about 20 minutes away from Albert's place of business. I also have a Foreplay still in the box. I'll get it built after I move, ie, late August or September, and will let you guys know how it compares with the QA-113.
Turbo: Excellent. Kitch at this site is putting one (the Foreplay) together as well, I just remembered. My local friend is condsidering the Foreplay with the little ASL Wave mono blocks for an office system. The QA-113 Vs the Foreplay will be a great comparison to have.