HDTV plasma looks sharper if it receives HD signals from HD decoder currently costing from $600-$900, depending on how fast it can change channel as the primary costly feature. Add the price of HDTV, HD decoder, well insulated component video cable, well insulated digital audio cable from HD decoder box, and power conditioner to get good no-snow images. If the price difference is still small, I would go with HDTV even though FTC signals are yet to be standardized.
EDTV plasma looks better if it receives Enhanced Digital signals, which is widely broadcast on satellite dish. Ideal digital signal for EDTV is 480. Satellite dish may feed 480i or less, depending on the number of programs it wants to squeeze through. Digital receivers are currently offered for free with 2 years contract with either Dish or Direct TV. I recommend Direct TV. Just get power conditioner and a good S-video cable to go w/ free digital decoder . Total the price to see if the difference is still small. You should get all digital channels. If you said Panasonic EDTV wins, there is only one new model that I know. If you use terrestial HD decoder with this new Panasonic model, you won't get certain programs on ABC network b/c broadcast signal are in 720. In such case, have the decoder derez down to 480, and you should be good. Good luck.
EDTV plasma looks better if it receives Enhanced Digital signals, which is widely broadcast on satellite dish. Ideal digital signal for EDTV is 480. Satellite dish may feed 480i or less, depending on the number of programs it wants to squeeze through. Digital receivers are currently offered for free with 2 years contract with either Dish or Direct TV. I recommend Direct TV. Just get power conditioner and a good S-video cable to go w/ free digital decoder . Total the price to see if the difference is still small. You should get all digital channels. If you said Panasonic EDTV wins, there is only one new model that I know. If you use terrestial HD decoder with this new Panasonic model, you won't get certain programs on ABC network b/c broadcast signal are in 720. In such case, have the decoder derez down to 480, and you should be good. Good luck.