How is the TacT RCS 2.0 as a pre amp vs

How is the TacT as a pre amp vs SS or Tube?
I also have the dual mono active. When I get my new TacT, I will certainly try the configuration you describe
For what it's worth, my experience matches Hbrandt. I have the dCS 972/Elgar combo. I have a Vishay resistor shunt to ground volume control built into each of my Melos Monoblocks. The Elgar is directly connected to the Melos. For serious listening I set the dCS gear to Odb and adjust for peak levels on the monoblocks. My serious listening is confined mostly to classical so this isn't a big deal. I use the Sigtech but in my trial of the Tact I found a noticable loss of transparency from about -10 db.
Pls1: Since you've used both, I'd be interested in your comparison of the SigTech and the TacT. Please give us your honest, unbiased opinion! Also, I appreciate hearing that someone else has felt some synergy between the dCS gear and Vishays.
I've posted alot on this topic but the quick answer is the Sigtech is better. This doesn't mean the Tact doesn't work, it does. I own an MSB Gold, an MSB Platinum and a dCS 972/Elgar combo. They are all work as DACs but they are different. Greene in TAS summed it up. The Tact is a piece of consumer (NOT MIDFI) gear built to a price point while the Sigtech is a serious complex professional unit. I looked inside and my guess is that in terms of raw digital processing power the Sigtech is at least 4x i also believe that their algorithms are superior. In my opinion you can get good room correction from the Tact if you fiddle long enough, but you can get superb correction using the Sigtech setup methods in about four hours. If you listen to small Jazz ensembles you probably won't notice much difference once you get the Tact right. But if you have a really wacko room setup(perhaps due to WAF), or listen to large scale orchestral music, art techno, or percussion heavy music you will. For much more detailed comments see these threads:

TACT RCS 2.0 Users Group
42 followups, last on 07-17-01

Room correction in high-end system???
22 followups, last on 05-28-01

Is TACT RCS 2.0 truly transparent
7 followups, last on 05-16-01

For any specific questions after reading these just post here
...seems like a lot of us are thinking alike. I too have the Placette active and find it transparent but also am looking at the Tact as my next step. (real bad WAF, square room). You've all but answered the preamp questions, but what about the DAC and D to A converter in the "loaded" model Tact?
Is it worth it to buy the TACT with DAC/D to A, or better to use an outboard DAC. My source is a Sony SCD-1. Also, what happens to an SACD analogue signal when fed into the TACT? My thinking is: SCD-1 to Tact to Placette to tube amps. Both the digital (Redbook) and SACD analogue would feed the TACT. Is this logical.